Friday, April 3, 2009

music in silence

I am not a very musically inclined person i have noticed.
For instance, I dont listen to the radio.. I am not 'up' with the latest tracks [yo], my ipod has a few select songs that I like to listen to again and again because I either love them for something they are connected to, or I listened to these songs growing up. I dont quest around on limewire for new songs, i dont know anything about new artists and I certainly dont understand how one keeps up with the fact that there seems to be someone new on 'the scene' everyday.. and everyone seem to know their hit song off by heart before I have even figured out the lyrics to brittney spears' "hit me baby"...
My Husband on the other hand, LOVES new music. He has the 'coffee shop' station on almost the whole day, he knows these indie bands like they are related to him and he isnt scared to find a new station on some days.
He likes to listen to music while he works, while he reads, while he eats..
I like background noise too, so I can understand this, however, I will put on a movie for background noise. I like the familiar dialouge and the fact that you can stop what your doing and sit down for a minute and it doesnt seem like your just sitting there, your watching a movie!
when i clean, or write, or read, i like silence. I like to be alone with my thoughts in a quiet atmosphere and not have the newest awesomest kick-ass artist strumming thier guitar and telling me about how bad they want to still be with her...

BUT, i am starting to get accustomed to music being on daily. and not only that, but before writing this post i reached over and turned on the radio to listen to some guy talk about budget cuts. (another of Bens fav stations). This isnt because I have started liking it... I think its because Ben is away this weekend and now its made me feel more attached to him.
so strange...

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