Friday, April 17, 2009

Blanket and a Pillow

every moment with you is framed by beauty.
and not beauty in the way we think of it...
but in a photographers way of thinking..
every moment; captured, held, suspended. lifted up.. appreciated. cherished. hung on a wall behind me eyes, to see and to be seen by all walking past. i radiate with your love inside of me.
---i want to tell you a story,
--and i hope you will see it in the same colours i can...
-its painted gold and silver, they intertwine and loop around each other,
and theres music in the story that cannot be sung by human voices.
and the voices are even greater then the angels themselves.
the story has our future in it, and the past has become good.
the past is good because now we see each other in all of it.
and the peices fit together and grow...

when i fall asleep with you with the door open i know what a child feels when they trust..
innocence, honesty. love.
i love how you bring me poetry, and how the simple things now have meaning
like a wind chime made of broken bottles and wine glasses
tied up by thick fishing wire, and decorated with clam shells.
thats beauty to me now.
and its everywhere.

how does your shoulder feel better then a pillow?
and how does the rain make me sing and skip because it makes me think of being baptized?
i want to learn everything with you... and i want to know nothing with you.


  1. I think if I was your husband I would be so incredibly grateful for all of the things you said, I'd have the baby for you. :P
