Saturday, February 28, 2009

Moving Day!

Wow! so the van is packed, my stuff is all crammed into little boxes and I have countless bags of clothing and shoe boxes.
I can not believe that time went by this fast.. I'm finding it really startling.
I know I will be safe, loved, content, and looked after where I am headed both emotionally and physically, but I'm scared. really very scared. It all feels like so much so fast and so sudden. I go back and forth with wondering if its all a dream or not.
Today I felt on the edge of an emotional outburst all day which was not the way I wanted to be feeling on my moving day.
Tonight sees me in a different city (as soon as i catch the ferry boat) in new surroundings and with new people and new places to explore. God is with me through this and I know when I feel homesick family is just a phone call away.

I imagine my posts are going to be so different after this point now..

Friday, February 27, 2009


wow.. 1 day.. seriously.
Today I finally got ALL of my packing done! and just in time too..
Mom and I had our last night together (as in I'm moving away and having a little family of my own..) We went out for a loverly dinner at Earls and totally stuffed ourselves. I felt like a little piglet eating so much food and then desert.. ah well.
Then we came home and watched a couple of movies. Neither of us felt very full of energy or excitement but it was a nice relaxing evening spent stressless and free.
Now I have to mentally and emotionally prepare for the next couple of days! Im nervous and excited and nervous and excited... It is all happening so quickly and time just WHOOOSHES by without my permission..
Life is good though, and this is the whole point of living.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Only 2 days now!
I cant believe how fast it has flown by.. and it makes me realize just how fast the next few years of my life are going to fly by. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Today Mom took some belly picture of my and we noticed how small I am for 30 weeks. I wouldnt mind at all if it stayed small! But I know it can't last.. sigh.


3 Days left!
Tonight it snowed and looked amazing and fluffy and fluttery and wondrous. and I stuck out my tongue and tasted its pollutiony freshness!
Also tonight I went to a concert {Hawksley Workman} with an amazing friend of mine :)
It was extremely appropriate as I have been joking that tonight was my bachelorette party, and the warm-up music man was a Jewish fello who played wedding songs.. All in all, a fantastic evening!!

Today I also picked up the future dream table and loaded it into the moving van! I think it made it all a little more real.
Oh I am so excited to start life so crisp and freshly and get that new-life-smell all over my skin.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


4 days left!
feeling things coming together mentally now a little more I think.
I am getting excited about the concept of managing a household, going to walks with a baby and going to school.
I got the table of my future dreams today!Now I need chairs.

Monday, February 23, 2009


5 Days now until my moving day to a new city!
new places
new smells
new people
a new chapter in my life.
i think my endeavor to write my book will start up again.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


6 Days!
6 Days until I move to a new city and start life freshly.
I'm excited.
I'm scared.
I'm anxious.
I'm impatient.
I'm loved.
I'm content.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Wee One

Today I woke up full of glee and energy!
So I put it to good use by munching on a carrot muffin and strolling through downtown Victoria popping in and out of antique shops and just generally touristing.. it was lovely.
Now I am back to packing all my possessions up in little boxes and trying to get rid of everything useless.

Today I also purchased 2 cloth diapers and a little blue hippo stufty!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Engaged <3

a slight touch
you search my face.
our noses touch softly
---in an eskimo kiss...

my hand is on your cheek
.. the other on your shoulder blade...
i watch as you stretch your fingers out over my stomach.
Your hand is the exact expanse of it.
your touch is warm.

you paint a picture of us together
when we are old
and still in love.
i wrap myself in it;
like a four year old and her blankie.
your whole being trembles with want and hunger for me.
and you lift your head to praise God...
you say you'll meet me at the alter
and become mine forever.
is forever enough?!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day


I too got into the Valentines day spirit this year by baking my beloved some cookies!