Monday, August 10, 2009


So I am brewing up some ideas surrounding starting professionally blogging.
However I am having a few minor issues so far.. One being the blog 'title'. Now I know that it should reflect what the blog is mainly about etc. [see;] but my mind is drawing blanks.

another issue is that I want to incorporate photos into the grand majority of my blog, and I just sold my SLR so that I could buy the one I prefer, but the money ended up going to other things..
another thing would be my Grammar. Never taught it properly in school (as my gr. 12 english teacher found out, none of us knew it properly), I admit i get nervous about certain rules of our language.

and lastly, the only 2 things on my mind are when my darling child has eaten, and sex.
thats right, i said the 's' word.
I tend to lean more to the male side of the sex thing, this being, the thought of it truly does come into mind approximately every 3-7 seconds.
-When I am not thinking about my childs appetite.

I want my 'pro blog' to incorporate sex. sexuality, sexual abuse, growth, health etc. but that's not all i want it to be about. not by a long stretch.. soooo i am stuck.
*side note; i do not want it to be about my daughters feeding schedule.

i don't want the title to be dirty, stuck up, mother-goosey or that Susan sex ladylike or 'emo'.
i want it to attract, girls, boys, married couples, Christians and single mothers/fathers.
yes, i realize some advertising and twittering will be a must for this to occur.

any advice?